Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Nod to the Ladies

We choose our friends because they remind us of what we can be and who we are and the choices that we make. They are our idols and our playmates, our heroes and sometime soul mates. For female friendships, the mere presence of another woman that knows you helps to reconfirm. This reconfirmation of our Self provides the strength that women need to move back through their own lives and accommodate the needs of others and the myriad of daily requests that are put on us by our children, husbands, co-workers, and even parents and siblings. As in the practice of yoga, we return to our mats to let go. To practice the art of letting go. We return to the warm embrace of friendship in order to reaffirm our position in the universe. After spending time with good friends I can see more clearly. I can be more patient with my children and show them more compassion, too. Though it could sound dramatic to put so much weight on the power of female friendships, I feel that there is so much involved when women stand together. We can change the world. 


Your thoughts?